Bubbling Brook Waterfall - Print
Print of Bubbling Brook Waterfall landscape oil painting by BLMetcalfe Art. This print is 11x14 print. It is matted and the matted size is 16x20.
Also available in:
8x10 - matted size is 11x14 $35
4x6 matted size is 5x7 $20
The 11x14 and 8x10 prints are signed and numbered on the mat and on the back of the print. The 4x6 print is signed on the mat and the back of the print.
Also available in:
8x10 - matted size is 11x14 $35
4x6 matted size is 5x7 $20
The 11x14 and 8x10 prints are signed and numbered on the mat and on the back of the print. The 4x6 print is signed on the mat and the back of the print.